Top 20 Safety Driving Tips for you!

Top 20 Safety Driving Tips for you!

Nowadays we hear news of vehicular accidents happening left and right. These accidents are results of human error, of people driving without any inhibitions or care for their safety and of the people around them. The best way for you to reduce the risk of being caught in an accident is to implement safe driving practices.

Whether you are a savvy, confident driver or a defensive one, it is best for you to review basic safety tips when you’re driving. This way, you make sure you are keeping yourself, your passengers, other vehicles, and pedestrians as safe as possible.


1. Be vigilant.
Pay attention to the behavior of other drivers while you are driving.

2. Do not assume.
Never assume the other drivers’ actions, instead wait for their move.

3. Always use turn signals.
Utilize your turn signals to inform other drivers of your lane change and turns.

4. Wear seat belts all the time.
This is essential for drivers and passengers. Having a seat belt can make the difference between life or death.

5. Follow traffic signals and street signs.
Obey the stop signs, the red, yellow, and green traffic lights, along with all the street signs you see on the road. They are there for a reason.

6. When driving, focus on driving.
Do not text or have phone calls while driving. The momentary loss of road vision can make the possibilities of an accident.

7. Abide by speed limits.
Stick with the posted speed limits because they are selected for the safety of pedestrians and drivers.

8. Adapt to the weather.
If the weather is bad, account for slippery roads or even floods when driving. Practice safety no matter the weather.

9. Be patient.
You might be rushing and chasing after time, but safety is above all the most important when you’re on the road.

10. Do not make sudden moves.
Give fellow drivers a leeway into your stops or lane changes. Being predictable will maximize your safety on the road.

  1. Practice right of way.

Yield to other drivers when they have the right of way. Do not assume other drivers will always yield to you. 

  1. Know your roads.

If you’re driving to an unfamiliar place, plan your route beforehand instead of figuring it out on the road. We don’t want you to take your eyes off the streets while driving. 

  1. Respect vehicles that came to a halt.

If there are vehicles stopped on the road, get out of the way and change lanes when possible. 

  1. Avoid avenues for distractions.

Finding an object in your bag by the passenger seat will make you take your eyes off the road. Avoid such situations as it is unsafe. 

  1. Use your headlights all the time.

Headlights can also function in the day. During a rain or a foggy day, your headlights can indicate your vehicle’s presence to other riders or pedestrians on the road.

16. Learn to share the road.
You are not the only driver on the road and your fellow drivers deserve respect. Do not cut on lanes or make turns arbitrarily.

17. Practice vehicle maintenance.
Ensuring your vehicle is in good working condition is a foolproof way into ensuring that your car can function at its best whenever you’re out driving.

18. Do not drive when under the influence.
Driving while drunk is a major cause of accidents and deaths. Most tragedies with this origin are avoidable if the driver didn’t get behind the wheel while they’re drunk.

19. Avoid driving when you’re drowsy or with a migraine.
Some accidents occur because some drivers managed to sleep while driving. Your lack of attention and fatigue might leave you unresponsive or sluggish on the wheel.

20. Maintain your distance from other vehicles.
Guidelines have recommended keeping a safe distance between the vehicle ahead of you. This allowance is necessary to react on time should the vehicle make a stop or a turn.

If you follow these 20 tips for safer driving, you are being a conscientious driver. Observe safety at all times.