Which is better: Self-Drive or With Driver Car Rental?

Which is better: Self-Drive or With Driver Car Rental?

When availing a car rental, there are a lot of considerations you must think of before making a decision. If you’re in it for the long haul and you have a tiring trip, having a hired driver might be better for you. But if you’re backpacking across a province for your vacation, maybe a self-drive will be better for you.

There will be pros and cons to either of the services, so you must make this important decision with all factors in mind! Here are some of the things you must consider before deciding to avail a self-drive or with driver rental.

Self-Drive Car Rental:

You have complete control over the vehicle, your destination, schedule, and route. You can go wherever you want at your own pace, on the route you prefer, at a speed of your choice, and with only yourself to consider. Abide by the terms and conditions of the rental agreement, and aside from that, you are a free man with a car to take you everywhere!

You must be prepared to drive in areas you haven’t been before. It is highly suggested you have your GPS set up to not get lost. You should also be well-versed with dealing with potential issues of the vehicles such as the change of tires and many more.

With Driver Car Rental:

The driver assigned will be more familiar with the place, leaving you no fuss with driving and navigating around the area. This can be helpful to you for a first-time comer. They can also recommend you to locally-known places to eat and visit.

You will have to deal with a nonflexible and rigid schedule predetermined with the rental company. It is generally more expensive since the driver’s fees will incur an additional cost.

The choice of availing a self-drive rental or a with driver relies on you, the client. It is up to your preference and needs for that trip whatever of the two you may avail. Self-driving gives you the autonomous control of the vehicle on the road, while hiring a driver can leave you resting on the back seat and relaxed. It depends on you.


Using the service of the hired driver will be more expensive compared to self-driving. However if this is not a problem and your need to be chauffeured around surpasses the cost, then hiring a driver is justified and more worth it.

If you prefer to go at your own pace and to be flexible on your trip, a self-driving service will be best for you. But if you have a structured trip laid out, a hired driver can make the vacation a lot less stressful.

Those who are not comfortable with driving to new places will benefit the most from a hired driver.

If you are in for a long business trip where you’re exhausted by work, a self-driving rental will become more tiring for you. Hire a driver instead to catch some rest and breaks in between locations.

When traveling with a lot of people, hiring a big vehicle with a driver is more practical than having multiple self-driven cars.

When going to unfamiliar and challenging destinations, a driver who’s familiar with the area’s traffic, roads, and streets will be more beneficial. But if you are in a familiar city with easy to navigate roads, self-driving is a better option for you.

When you are self-driving, you will be held liable for the damages or accidents that will happen during your rental duration. When you have a driver, they will be responsible for it.

When traveling somewhere that you don’t speak their local dialect, your hired driver can help you communicate with locals instead.

There are a lot of factors to consider when making this decision, but what’s important is to always uphold your personal needs and preferences. Do not forget to keep in mind what we listed above when deciding!

Business Travel Safety Guidelines for you to Practice!

Business Travel Safety Guidelines for you to Practice!

Some employees enjoy the perk of traveling for business. Who wouldn’t? You get to visit a new place, try new restaurants, and meet new and competent people at the expense of the company. But business travel does not protect you from unexpected situations such as natural disasters, robbery, and many more. Which is why corporate travelers like you should make extra preparations to be secure on your entire trip.

Specified below are some of our business travel tips for you to stay safe even when you’re out for a corporate matter.

Make sure to read this business travel safety tips before you go:

1. Do your business travel research.
Know what there is in your destination. On arrival at the hotel, map transportation routes and streets so you can attend meetings and meals better.

2. Be updated with local news.
Hearing about the news every evening can help you identify safety measures you must take while you stay.

3. Locate hospitals and clinics.
You should be aware where the nearest medical facilities are just in case of an emergency.

4. Keep multiple copies of important documents.
Take photos and have xerox copies of your travel documents and other information. They must be kept in a different location from their original copies.

5. List down all important contact numbers.
Keep a handy list of your manager, corporate travel agent, and of the travel management company. If an unexpected situation comes to light, you could easily contact them for advice.

6. Look like a local.
Do not wear anything that makes you stand out and look rich. This way, you can avoid being the target of pickpockets.

7. Stay with your colleagues.
If you travel by group, roam around the city with your group too. If you stay plenty, you can easily avoid possible petty crimes in your stay.

8. Practice basic safety.
Do not travel at night alone. Park your vehicles near entrance or exit points. Lock all of your doors and windows.

9. Beware of the current situation.
There may be some massive political protests ongoing at your destination, and this political instability will make it hard to conduct travel plans.

10. Be wise with what you are packing.
Leave behind expensive accessories and instead bring only professional clothing and jewelry that won’t attract attention.

11. Learn the customs of your destination.
When you spare a few minutes to study this, you can avoid offending the locals you meet on this business trip.

What to do to Stay Safe while Traveling!

What to do to Stay Safe while Traveling!

Careless tourists are easy targets for evildoers because they typically stand out, are not familiar with the area, and carry expensive items such as a camera or an expensive bag. Do not be at risk by taking a few preventative precautions prior to your trip.


1. Keep the details of your accommodation to yourself and to a trusted loved one at home.
2. Do not hitch a ride with strangers.
3. Travel during the daytime only.
4. Avoid the suspicious parts of town.
5. Ask about unsafe areas from your hotel receptionist or other staff.
6. Keep multiple copies of your important documents.
7. When you are being robbed, don’t fight back. It’s better to lose material things compared to your life.


1. At the airport, claim your luggage immediately.
2. Consult with the hotel manager regarding the public transportation of the place.
3. Do not do carpools on public taxis.
4. When renting a car, keep all doors locked.


1. Take note of all the emergency exits, staircases, fire escape, and emergency plans for incidents.
2. Lock your hotel door at all times.
3. When you have a meeting, meet them in the hotel lobby. Do not invite strangers to your hotel room.


1. Walk confidently, show you know where you’re going.
2. Match your outfit with what locals wear.
3. Don’t display jewelry.

Enjoy your trip towards wherever you want to go, but to make sure that it’s unforgettable for all the right reasons – you must practice caution.

Avoid Trouble while Traveling with these Tips!

Avoid Trouble while Traveling with these Tips!

For most of us, traveling is the dream experience. It is exciting and eye-opening towards a lot of situations that we may not experience back home. It’s easy to get lost in the constant adrenaline of the adventure, but you should still keep a head above your shoulders and be careful.

Read our essential travel safety tips to avoid trouble on your vacation.


This covers reading travel reviews about your destination to listing all of the emergency departments’ contact information on your phone.

Be inconspicuous in a new town. Blend with the locals so you aren’t as vulnerable to a street crime.

Keep different copies of your important documents at hand. This way, you have a lot of back up when you need them.

Let your family, friends, and other loved ones know what’s going on with you. Send your itinerary to trusted people so they can use it just in case.

Don’t be attracted to public Wi-Fi as this can be a hacker looking to obtain your financial information.

Your hotel room must be secure at all times. You can have protective equipment such as a jammer under the door.

Keep an eye on your items at all times and do not just talk to anyone.

Stay sober as much as you can. If drinking is unavoidable, do not reach tipsiness. You are a foreigner in an unfamiliar land, be mindful at all times.

Now that you know how to arm yourself for your next travels, it’s time for you to put them into practice. Have a safe travel!

Stay Safe with your Travels on the Road!

Stay Safe with your Travels on the Road!

Traveling nowadays has been made easier by technology and mass transportation. Our easy access to the internet exposed us to plenty of beautiful travel destinations whether within our own country or outside. But nothing ruins a supposedly fun vacation more than getting troubles along the way! It is wise to be prepared for every possible issue you may encounter along the road. Here are our travel safety tips to help minimize your risk of having something bad happen while traveling.

Travel Safety Tips to Remember for 2023:

1. Familiarize yourself with common travel scams.
There will always be people who will try to trick you and they can range from being obvious to actual pros. Before heading out somewhere, make an in-depth research about it first!

2. Keep track of emergency information.
Have a handy copy of the local police, health care services, and directions towards transportation routes. In case of emergencies, you might be too panicky to think straight and gather this information. It is best you keep these in hand.

3. Check the Local Government website.
Most local governments in our country post regularly in their websites about the recent happenings in their area. There might be an outbreak or an ongoing civilian fight in the area. It’s great to know in advance so you know what to avoid.

4. Ask locals for advice.
Most locals are friendly and can warn you about their neighborhood’s dangerous areas. If you’re not comfortable with a random stranger, you can also ask your hotel’s receptionist.

5. Let people know your itinerary.
Do this along with a constant checking in with your loved ones. Update them often and let them know when you plan to come back. Just in case you don’t go home on the time you plan to, the authorities have a lead on where you’re supposed to be.

6. Don’t share too much on social media.
Someone with bad plans towards you can use your information to their advantage. Do not post your itinerary anywhere public as they could plot your next move. If someone asks, you can lie instead.

7. Don’t do it just for a photo.
Get yourself off the Instagram high of doing risky activities for the like. Know your limits and avoid anything that has high potential of hurting you.

8. Spend your money on what keeps you safe.
Although it can cost more money, splurging on more expensive but safer items will pay you in the long run.

9. Keep your belongings at your reach at all times.
Tether yourself to your bag. This prevents scams and robberies. Make the possible theft difficult for people.

10. Stay vigilant about your situation.
Being aware of nonverbal body language can help you along the road. Be confident when you’re walking on the streets, you will appear less likely to be an easy victim to attack.

11. Have an emergency cash stash.
Keep this one separate from your wallet. Just in case your bag or wallet gets lost or stolen, you can rely on your cash stash to help you get home at least.

12. Be careful where you eat.
A few trips to know where to eat is to observe where the locals and drivers eat. Look for where there are long lines and avoid anything served raw.

13. Forget you have a back pocket.
Your back pocket is the most vulnerable place of storage there is. It’s the first place any thief or pickpocket can access, so avoid using it entirely.

14. Have a first aid kit.
Injuries can happen wherever you are and can’t be prevented by being careful. Ready yourself in case something happens.

15. Avoid being inebriated.
When you’re wasted because of alcohol, you will have little to no control of what happens to you. This leaves you an easy target for bad situations.

16. Trust your gut!
Your body sometimes senses danger before your brain can fully comprehend it. If you feel like something is wrong, make a u-turn and leave immediately.

17. Always remember the exit.
Know your way outside of a street, a building, or a route.

Staying Safe in the Summer with these Tips to Remember!

Staying Safe in the Summer with these Tips to Remember!

When we talk about summer we envision hot lazy days, bikinis, swimming, biking around the city, visiting the mall to escape the heat, and many more. But summer also poses risks for us even when we’re out in the sun, on the beach, and on vacation just enjoying the warm summer breeze.

Now that you’re making plans for the coming summer months, it will be important for you to note some safety topics there are in this season. This valuable information can make or break the enjoyment you can have on your vacation so read some more!


Most people don’t take sunburn seriously. They are painful and can lead you to developing a skin condition in the future. Knowing safety against the sun can keep you and your family safe this summer season.
-Regularly apply sunscreen that has an SPF rating of 15 and higher.
-Bring equipment that can give you additional shade such as an umbrella or a tent.
-Wear your sunglasses to protect your eyes from the harmful UV rays.
-Even when it’s cloudy outside, still use your sunscreen and sunglasses.
-Wear a wide hat, some protective clothing, and more to protect your entire body for extended periods of time.


The sun makes people overheat sometimes and this can lead to a heat stroke, heat exhaustion, or even a heat rash! Prevent these illnesses and dehydration by practicing the following safety tips:
-Drink plenty of water and stay inside during the hottest period of the day.
-Cloudy days don’t protect you from the heat of the sun. You will still be affected.
-The signs of heat rash look like tiny pimples on your skin. This indicates you’ve spent too much time under the heat.
-Keep close watch of your body and of your companions’. They may feel too hot and have headaches, dizziness, confusion, and a dry mouth.
-When you’re inside, use air conditioning and wear light clothing. The heat can get inside your home or hotel room.


Water is a staple when you and your family are having fun in the summer. However, it is also a hazard for everyone. Drowning is a serious calamity that can happen just to anyone. Keep these practices in mind when you’re going on a water adventure with your family this season:
-Check the water quality. Search up online on some news or posts by other people about the beach or pool you’re going to in case of harmful bacteria.
-Be careful when you’re near flowing waters such as natural pools, waterfalls, rivers, and lakes. They can undergo sudden rises in water levels and surprise people. Be calm and act swiftly in this situation.
-When you go on a camping trip, make sure that you use a water purifier when you source it from a lake or a river. Micro-organisms you can’t see might live in these waters and cause illnesses among your family.


Summer is the time that works best for family beach outings and vacations in new places. But this also means you will be exposed to new hazards on the way. Practice caution and keep safety a priority when you travel. Keep the following in mind:
-Drive only when you’re sober. Avoid going behind the wheel if you’re drowsy, sleepy, dizzy, and under the influence of alcohol.
-Check your vehicle before going on a road trip. Make sure it gets its regular maintenance, pack an emergency kit, bring a spare tire, and a first aid kit before heading to your destination.
-Avoid public announcements of your trip while you’re out of town. This can make your home vulnerable to robbery.


Outdoor cooking is a staple when you’re on a beach trip or just in your backyard enjoying the warm breeze. However, you must practice caution while you’re manning the barbeque grill this summer.
-Avoid food poisoning by proper storage and cooking of food.
-Keep a no-touch zone around the grill, especially when there are children and drunk people around.
-Have your grilling tools and ingredients near your grilling area. This way, you can always supervise the barbeque spot.


Outdoor cooking is a staple when you’re on a beach trip or just in your backyard enjoying the warm breeze. However, you must practice caution while you’re manning the barbeque grill this summer.
-The summer season is a time where the hills and the bugs are alive and buzzing. Keep you and your family safe throughout this period by proper prevention measures.
-Use bug repellent lotions and sprays on your body.
-Do a body check at the end of the day to check for possible bites and place ointment on them.
-Prevent using scented body products such as lotions and soaps as these can attract bees and other types of bugs.
-Take note of stagnant pools and puddles around your home since this makes insects thrive.

Safety Tips for your Incoming Summer Vacation!

Safety Tips for your Incoming Summer Vacation!

To make sure that you and your family’s summer is remembered with positive memories – you pay attention to one important thing, the safety of everyone. As we enter the sunny season, beach trips and resort visits are ideal. How can you keep your family and your home safe at this time? Find out below!

Practice these regularly in the summer beach season:

This includes your debit and credit cards, identification cards, your insurance cards, and your travel documents. Keep one copy with you that’s packed differently from the original files and leave another set of copies at home.

Learn ahead whether your beach getaway locations accept advanced, debit, and credit card payments. Bringing little cash with you makes you less of a victim of theft and burglary during the vacation.

On your travel bags and other items, only put your name and phone number. Avoid putting personal information such as your address as this makes it a target.

Your doors, windows, attic, electronics, and more must be locked and unplugged when you leave. If you have an alarm system, activate it when you go on your getaway trip.

Avoid posting your travel itinerary and schedule on public social networks, as this leaves your home vulnerable to burglary or theft. Only post about the trip when you’re back at home or if someone trusted is occupying the house.

Remember to protect yourself using these tips while you’re on the road:

Park your vehicle somewhere easily seen, well-lit, and close to your destination.

Close all the windows and lock your car doors, and check it multiple times before leaving. The valuables in your vehicle must be kept out of plain sight by placing them under the seat, on the compartment box, or well covered on the floor.

Do not stop just anywhere to check on the map. Go to an inconspicuous location with a lot of traffic and is brightly lit, park there, and recheck your itinerary.

When you’ll go sightseeing, inquire at the hotel reception if there are areas you must avoid. You can also ask friendly locals.

Do not bring too much cash with you and only bring around what you need for that trip/day. Do not display all of it when you’re making a purchase outside.

When checking in, you should note of the stairs, the fire exit, and all other exits and entrances available within the building. This will save you in an emergency.

Do not forget to shield yourself from the sun:

Use a sunscreen that protects you against UV-A and UV-B radiation with an SPF rating of 15 and higher. Apply it 30 minutes before going out and reapply it often and every after physical activity.

Sunglasses is a great way to protect your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun.

Stay safe when you’re at the water:

Only go for a swim in beaches where there are lifeguards available, especially when you’re accompanied by children.

Never leave your children unattended near a body of water. A lifeguard can only do so much.

In case you have been caught in a rip tide or a strong current, avoid tiring yourself by going against it. Call for help while keeping yourself afloat.

Always use a life jacket especially for those that are not strong swimmers. It might save your life.

If you drank alcohol, do not swim nor operate any water vehicles. Avoid endangering yourself and others.

When you keep these tips in mind, you maximize your safety on every summer getaway you go to. Ensuring the safety of yourself and your companions will give you a much better time on your vacation.

5 Foolproof Safety Tips for Employees who Drive!

5 Foolproof Safety Tips for Employees who Drive!

For working people who drive their company car, safety is a must to make sure that every driving experience is optimal. Employees should have a safe car and they should drive it in a professional manner that doesn’t threaten anyone on the road. Working professionals must always stay cautious to go to work and get back home everyday safely.

The morning and evening rush hours are a crucial time where you are expected to adhere to safety driving practices. It is more crowded and the road is more complex for everyone. You will have to adapt to varying conditions of both the weather and of traffic, so you must showcase good driving skills and proper judgment to do your job effectively.


To ensure safe driving, there must be non-negotiables on every trip. Examples are the following:
– Wearing a seat belt.
– Driving only when sober.
– Abiding by traffic rules.
– Checking weather and traffic prior to trips.

Being a distracted driver is a no-no. The most common cause of road accidents happens when drivers are distracted while in transit. Minimize your distractions and maximize the hands-free options in your gadgets to keep your hands on the steering wheel.

Mishaps and issues are unavoidable but you can play your part by practicing caution. An assessing tool on hand can be enough to resolve problems that come up on the road. Also having a complete first aid box, blankets, spare tires, and water will be good to stock up on your vehicle. And to always check on your maintenance guy.

When you are not well-rested and alert, you might not be at your optimal mindset while operating a vehicle. For employers, ensure your employees who are driving take rest when they drive long distances.

Knowing your employees’ mental and emotional states will help you determine whether they are safe for the road or not. Some home situations might cause people to be more aggressive or impatient, and it can even hinder their decision-making capabilities.

Stay healthy, optimal, and stable as a working professional! Follow these 5 tips to heart and you’ll be a better driver and employee overall!

How can you be a Defensive Driver? Learn now, it’s safer!

How can you be a Defensive Driver? Learn now, it’s safer!

Good driving is the result of having a solid driving technique and practices that will keep you at maximum safety on the road. Being a defensive driver with a car insurance is the perfect combination for a commuter like you!

On the road, you cannot control the actions of the people you share the streets with – however, you do have complete control over your vehicle. Driving defensively is the surefire way of combining tactics, precautions, and safety techniques that greatly reduces someone’s probability of being in a collision.

Traits defensive drivers have:

1. Defensive drivers focus on the task at hand.
Nothing will ever distract them from driving and their eyes are always on the road. Cellphones, music, adjustments, or discussions with passengers will be sound out or avoided to keep maximum focus on driving.

2. They expect other drivers to commit mistakes on the road.
The only person you should trust is your own, everyone else is a risk. So make decisions based on this premise.

3. Safe drivers keep their speed at the speed limit.
The higher your acceleration is, the longer it takes for the brakes to take effect – leaving you in a more vulnerable position if there is a collision. Drive with the flow of traffic.

4. Wherever they go, the seat belt is always worn by everyone in the car.
Even if it’s just a quick run to the grocery, seat belts must always be worn. There are plenty of cases where people could have lived had they worn seat belts.

5. They always yield on confusing road situations.
When in doubt, you yield to the other driver. This shows your cautiousness and patience. It is better to waste a few seconds waiting than to get in a collision.

6. Drivers follow the traffic lights and stop when it’s red.
Slow down before each intersection and see the traffic lights properly in case of the glaring sun or a heavy rain. No matter how much you’re hurrying, you should never risk your life and your passengers’.

7. They inform other drivers through their blinkers.
Signaling in advance to other motorists about your actions on the road can avoid confusion. Being predictable and smooth will help other drivers decide better on their end.

8. Defensive drivers know road rage is not worth it.
The drivers that cut you off or almost hit you is a stranger, and they can be just anyone. The safest option is to overlook the offense as long as they did not harm you and your vehicle.

9. Staying safe on the road means not tailgating.
Rear-end collisions are completely avoidable if people do not tailgate. It is completely avoidable by having proper distance between you and the car ahead.

10. They keep an eye on their blind spots.
While doing this, you must be careful and avoid going on other vehicles’ blind spots. Especially on large heavy-duty 10-wheelers and up.

11. Safe drivers drive only when they’re sober and in a sane mind.
Being sick, sleepy, and drunk can alter your response and thinking skills on the road. Steer clear of the wheel when you are either of these 3 to avoid endangering yourself and others.

12. Defensive drivers know they have to adjust for the bad weather.
You must take extra precaution when the weather is lowering road visibility. Add more space between you and other vehicles, slow down to help with your response time in case something is blocking the road, and be alert just in case there is road debris scattered.

13. They maintain their vehicle.
Tires must be taken care of, inflated, and replaced when they do hold friction on the ground. Oil changes and engine checks limit the chances of your car breaking down in the middle of nowhere.

14. Headlights are being adjusted according to the situation.
When you’re alone on the road or its relatively low traffic, use your high beam when necessary. Turn them off for opposite drivers and if you’re behind another vehicle.

15. They have a safe solution to tailgaters.
You put additional distance between you and the tailgater by using the space there is between you and the car ahead. This gives you more road visibility and more time to react in case of a collision.

16. Look beyond your vehicle’s immediate field of view.
Have a feel for drivers who are behaving strangely, look ahead on an intersection, and observe for possible debris on the highway.

Integrate these 16 traits into your driver persona, and you will become part of the better drivers who are safe, responsible, and polite.

Driving Etiquette for Pinoy Drivers: Stay alert today to be alive tomorrow!

Driving Etiquette for Pinoy Drivers: Stay alert today to be alive tomorrow!

For you to be truly safe while traversing the roads, you have to know how you have to share the road with other drivers. These general driving etiquette rules will make the streets a more comfortable place to be in and travel.

Sane and educated driving will always guarantee a safe experience while on the wheel. It is important to learn of commonly observed etiquettes on the road so that you can observe proper road safety. A driver’s negligence can cost them their life, a passenger’s, or a bystander’s.


1. Keep a safe distance from the car ahead.
Tailgating is both disrespectful and dangerous for all the people on the road. To check if you are in a safe following distance from the car ahead, implement the 3-second check. To do this, take note of when the vehicle in front of you passes by an object and begin to count. If it takes you 3 seconds or more to reach that same object, you are not tailgating.

2. Observe proper usage of the left lane.
It is common knowledge that the left lane or the fast lane is used for passing by other vehicles. If you dally or cruise on that lane, vehicles are forced to pass on the right lane. This makes for a dangerous road situation, leaving all vehicles vulnerable to accidents. Driving etiquette says that you should only use the left lane when you’re overtaking a slow moving vehicle ahead of you.

3. Use your high beams carefully.
High beams are helpful in increasing visibility, thus avoiding potential risks on the road. However, using them when there are other motorists in sight is dangerous as it can cause temporary road blindness to them. The blinding white lights of your high beam leaves them vulnerable and unaware of actual road conditions, opening an avenue for accidents. Oncoming drivers will get blinded first hand, and cars ahead of you can get glared through their rear-view and side-view mirrors.

4. Utilize your turn signals all the time.
Use your turn signals to inform other drivers of your intentions to turn or change lanes. Without signaling, drivers behind you won’t be able to anticipate and act appropriately in response – causing an accident or collision.

5. Do not be a distracted driver.
Put safety first above all else while you’re behind the wheel. If there’s an urgent matter you have to attend to, park at the sidewalk and deal with it. Never get distracted while operating your car. Examples of what causes distracted driving are the following:
– Calling on the phone
– Texting
– Eating
– Reaching for items
– Putting on makeup
– Reaching for music devices

6. Be the responsible driver and keep your passengers out of danger.
When you become a driver for a crowd, you automatically are in charge of their safety. This responsibility falls on you and must ensure your passengers remain safe on your operations. Some examples of what you can do to minimize risk are the following:
– Passengers must wear safety belts.
– Do not go over the speed limit.
– No sharp turns.
– Keeping distractions away.
– Being a defensive driver.

7. Give the pedestrians their space.
The road is not yours and people do not deserve to receive your rage of impatience. Pedestrians deserve the time, space, and consideration to cross the road or walk in it safely. Impatience might lead you to inch forward despite the people ahead of you, but this could lead to road accidents. Let the people pass by since they won’t take much time anyway.

8. Monitor your speed.
Ride with the pace of the flow of traffic around you. Cruising along slow cars can be dangerous as it impedes traffic and can cause a traffic jam. Going too fast might leave you little room to react to road uncertainties. Drive with the pace of the other drivers.

9. Give way to others.
Let cars enter and exit safely on the road. If you’re on the rightmost lane, give other vehicles the leeway to merge into traffic. If they have their blinker on while entering your lane, give them time to merge instead of speeding up. It’s courteous and safe to do so.

10. Listen to the traffic signals.
Even if you’re in a hurry, it is illegal to ignore traffic signals and lights. They are placed to keep the road organized and safe. Waiting for a few seconds is better than colliding with a car or running over someone.